In the United States, most internet users are familiar with GetTube, a well-known free application for the Mac platform. The program allows the user to download a large amount of free content from popular sites like YouTube, Mega, etc. It is an effective application which can be used by people from all walks of life. Moreover, it can also be utilized by users with no experience whatsoever in the area of computer use. If you want to download something from online sources, then getTube can help you do just that.
While using the application, the user will be required to register first, but there are few safeguards in place to prevent misuse of the application. The user can choose which account to register under. The benefits of using the application are many. The user can choose what type of video to download from the various websites. One can easily look for video clips that he or she would like to download. Using the application is also simple, and the user is able to view the video clip before downloading it.
To download a video clip, one simply clicks on the video clip in the GetTube icon located on the toolbar. Then the user is required to enter the video URL, and the download is initiated. Once the download has been initiated, the user can proceed to view the video clip. When the video has been viewed, a confirmation window will be displayed. Once the user confirms the download, the download is completed. This application was designed for Mac computers only, but the developer has made the download feature available for Windows computers as well. If the user has previously downloaded a file with GetTube, the same file will automatically be stored in the system folder of the computer.